DEFCON 201 Online Meet Up — October 2020 — Revenge Of Hacktoberfest
Date: October 16th, Friday
Time: 6:00 PM EST — 9:10 PM EST (~11:59 PM EST FOR HACKTOBERFEST)
Hacktoberefest MLG:
Facebook: TBA
Write.As [TOR]: TBA
Hackaday: TBA
Welcome to the October 2020 DEFCON 201 Meet Up!
Normally this is the time of year where children dress in pre-constructed “safe for school” costumes to hunt for candy, teenagers toilet paper neighborhood houses while avoiding the tech-savvy house’s drone strikes and adults dress as Rule 34 versions of popular characters and get wasted while causing a scene.
However, this was back when the scares were manufactured in peace times. This year, the horrors are real with a President COVID-19 super spreader, domestic terrorism, and an election that will determine if our country wants to be Democratic or locked down with such abuse to it’s citizens that it would make modern Apple softwear seem open source by comparison.
Thus, we have crafted this spooky and super interactive online meeting jammed packed with hacker AF activities. With a wide range of subjects by amazing hackers who just happen to be women, a creepy CTF and updating open source software with the return of Hacktoberfest, there will be many ways to interact with us this meet up.
Oh, and Go Vote!
All activities, chats, talks, workshops and DC 201 insanity will be broadcasted online via our LIVE STREAMS per the new normal!
Live Streams:
Facebook: TBA
If you like to do a talk at our meet ups our collaborate with our staff and members in a project partnership shoot us a email at:
6:00pm — 6:30pm
Spoopy Pre-Show + DEFCON 201 Announcements
6:30pm — 7:00pm
The Horrors Of Voting In The US Election System — BiaSciLab & Margaret E. MacAlpine
7:00pm — 8:00pm
Cyber Collective Interview — Tazin Khan
8:00pm — 9:30pm
Spy For A Day: Caesar’s Code C++ Workshop for Beginners — vvvalentina
9:00pm — 9:10pm
Beginners Guide To CTF — phoenixfyrefly
910pm — 11:59pm
Hacktobeerfest 2020 — SEE OPEN PROJECTS
Hacktoberfest 2020 — Everyone
Hacktober CTF — Everyone
QuakeJS — Everyone
Folding@Home VS Coronavirus (Team: 241960) — GI Jack, Everyone
Spoopy Pre-Show + DEFCON 201 Announcements
:..>We will begin the online festivities with a Trick before the Treats! Enjoy this 20 minute video of spooky hacker entertainment followed by community announcements and updates from DEFCON 201 Staff with some casual chat with our audience.
The Horrors Of Voting In The US Election System
:..>Election security in the United States is one of the most complex and difficult cybersecurity challenges facing our country today. Outdated and vulnerable equipment, chronic underfunding, untrained personnel, and a bewildering diversity of jurisdictions and laws are only the beginning of the problems the country faces going into the 2020 election cycle, and experts agree that little to nothing has been done to solve them. All of this in addition to the struggles the country faces with the onslaught of COVID-19. In this double hitter, we will have a pre-recorded video from BiaSciLab about how Mail In Voting works and the myths of it’s security issues debunked. Then we will follow with a live Q&A with a representative of the DEF CON Voting Machine Hacking Village on current issues with election security and the current regime’s methods to undermine our democracy.
:..>Bio: Maggie MacAlpine is an election security specialist and one of the co-founders of the DEF CON Voting Machine Hacking Village. Over the course of ten years spent in the election security field, MacAlpine has been a contributing researcher on the “Security Analysis of the Estonian Internet Voting System” in partnership with the University of Michigan and a co-author of the DEF CON Voting Village Machine Hacking Village annual report for the past three years. MacAlpine has served as an advisor for the office of the Secretary of State of California for the Risk Limiting Audit Pilot Program 2011–2012, and is widely regarded as an expert on the use of high-speed scanners for conducting post-election audits. As a pro-bono consultant and most recently with her firm, Nordic Innovation Labs, she has advised on election security and auditing practices in numerous US states including Connecticut, New Hampshire, Florida, California, Colorado, and Kentucky. She has been a speaker on election security at conferences including DEF CON, ShmooCon Hacker Conference, PacSec Tokyo and in presentations to Capitol Hill.
BiaSciLab is a 13-year-old hacker and maker, as well as an international speaker. She received national attention when she hacked the voting reporting system at DEF CON 26. This work was recently highlighted at the U.S. congressional hearing on election security. She is the founder and CEO of Girls Who Hack, an organization focused on teaching girls the skills of hacking so that they can change the future. She has also started Secure Open Vote and is building an end to end election system. BiaSciLab enjoys inventing things, giving talks, and teaching classes on making, programming, and hacking.
Cyber Collective Interview
:..> We at DEFCON 201 are honored to feature a representative of The Cyber Collective, a community-centered organization that hosts events to understand the ways data and privacy impact consumers. Khan comes from a long line of folks doing social impact work and creatives who use their platforms to create visibility and change: her father was a freedom fighter and her brother is an accomplished musician and artist. It is no wonder then, that her work in the cyber security space is coupled with activism and creativity. Leading with empathy and vulnerability, she is a fearless pioneer in her path and singular in her approach. However not for long, as it is Khan’s mission to elevate, empower and bring the like-minded on this journey with her.
:..>Bio: Tazin Khan, Bengali Immigrant and Queens native is illuminating the intersection of tech, cybersecurity and democracy through style, humor and authenticity. Her specialty lies in program compliance, product architecture mapping and risk analysis. When Khan isn’t consulting into fortune 500 enterprise clients, her efforts are focused in educating the public about data security and privacy. Khan activates all parts of her identity to present thoughtful, and hilariously engaging social media content to connect with her audience and induce social and individual behavioral change.
Spy For A Day: Caesar’s Code C++ Workshop for Beginners
:..>Ever wanted to be a spy and a hacker? Today I will go over a cipher that has been used in espionage work since Caesar’s age. This is a beginner / intermediate c++ workshop on how to create a cipher using Caesar’s code. This is a lesson on encryption, decryption and how to compile your code through the terminal. I will briefly go over c++ basics used in this project beforehand.
:.>Bio: vvvalentina currently serves as Founder of Mindsoul.Tech and is an aspiring software engineer with a passion in Neural Networks, Computational Neuroscience, meditation and Sustainability. She is an applications developer intern at Proskauer Rose LLP and is a rising computer science junior at CUNY Hunter college. Melissa is a driven and resourceful professional with experience in Back-end development , data analysis, technical documentation, youth leadership, and partnership building.
Beginners Guide To CTF
:..>Long time friend of DEFCON 201 phoenixfyrefly will go over what a CTF (Capture The Flag)game is, what hardware and software you should run, how to submit a Flag point and getting prepared for the Hacktober CTF in the Open Workshop!
:..>Bio: phoenixfyrefly is here to build a positive community, talk about competitive gaming and information security, and be a positive example of a hacker. She wrote my first lines of code at 12 (cheating in Baldur’s Gate) and never coded again until shetook courses in college. Currently she is finishing her degree in Cybersecurity and is hoping to educate others.
Hacktoberfest 2020
:..>Hacktoberfest — brought to you by DigitalOcean in partnership with Dev & Intel — is a month-long celebration of open source software. Maintainers are invited to guide would-be contributors towards issues that will help move the project forward, and contributors get the opportunity to give back to both projects they like and others they’ve just discovered. No contribution is too small — bug fixes and documentation updates are valid ways of participating.
How To Participate
Sign Up At This Link:
To Join Us On The DEFCON 201 LIVE Stream: Join us on the Discord under our #Hacking Sub-Channel.
DEFCON 201 Discord Link:
Clear Net:
Android: (We recommend using Auroa Store)
To Join In Private (Open Source & No Private Information): Join us on our MatterMost:
LIVE Stream Schedule
At 9:10 PM EST we will begin our LIVE Stream portion of Hacktoberfest featuring:
9:10pm — 9:15pm
Intro to Hacktoberfest 2020 — Sidepocket
9:15pm — 9:20pm
What Is Open Source? — GI Jack
9:20pm — 9:30pm
A Workshop On How To Use Git — sirocyl
9:30pm — 9:40pm
Demos Of Various Open Source Projects — TBA Presenters
9:40pm — 9:45pm
A Welcome To The Various Hackers — Everyone (DISCORD)
9:45pm — 11:59pm
Hacking Until Midnight — Everyone (DISCORD)
Rules and Rewards
First, sign up on the Hacktoberfest site at To qualify for the official limited edition Hacktoberfest shirt, you must register and make four pull requests between October 1–31. Pull requests can be to any public repo on GitHub, not just the ones with issues labeled Hacktoberfest. If a maintainer reports your pull request as spam or spammy behavior, or not in line with the project’s code of conduct, you will be ineligible to participate.
Connect with other Hacktoberfest participants by using @DigitalOcean, @hacktoberfest, #hacktoberfest, #DEFCON201 or #DC201 on your social media platform of choice.
New to DigitalOcean? Receive USD $100 in infrastructure credit at
Event Code of Conduct
Hacktoberfest meetups are welcoming, open, and inclusive. Please read our Events Code of Conduct before attending. Happy hacking!
Hacktober CTF
:..>This Friday, starting on October 16th at 10:00 AM EST, we invite all DEFCON 201 Members, Attendees and Fans to help us hack the Hacktober CTF! If you are new to Online CTF, we will help you get set up and walk you thorugh some of the challenges. Then you can log in anytime after until October 17th 10:00 PM EST to continue our CTF conquest! To learn more about the CTF, please follow this link:
:..>What To Bring: Any laptop will do. Ideally you want to load it full of Information Security Red Team and Blue Team tools, look at Kali Linux, Parrot OS, Pentoo or Black Arch for ideas. To participate online, you will need a Discord Account and to join our Discord at this link:
:..> QuakeJS is a port of ioquake3 to JavaScript with the help of Emscripten. This project started to demonstrate the feasibility of browser-based gaming, and what better way than with a classic game whose core gameplay revolves around the kind of responsive APIs that are available with HTML5 today. Either during the Pre-Show or on a break during Hacktoberfest, join in on the fun!
:..>What You’ll Need: Visit the QuakeJS website with a modern web browser with JavaScript enabled with WebRTC enabled.
Folding@Home VS Coronavirus
:..>Folding@home (FAH or F@h) is a distributed computing project for simulating protein dynamics, including the process of protein folding and the movements of proteins implicated in a variety of diseases. Currently F@h is simulating the dynamics of COVID-19 proteins to hunt for new therapeutic opportunities. We want to contribute and you can help! Join the DEFCON 201 Folding@Home Team: 241960
:..>What You’ll Need: Download and run Folding@home for Windows/Mac/Linux/FreeBSD, ideally on your highest performance system with a GPU and join our F@h Team 241960: