DEFCON 201 Meet Up — November 2019 — No NAT November

DCG 201
6 min readNov 15, 2019


Date: November 15th, Friday

Time: 7:00 PM — 10:00 PM

Location: Sub Culture (260 Newark Ave, Jersey City, NJ)


Facebook: TBA

Write.As [TOR]: TBA

Hackaday: TBA


Welcome to the November2019 DEFCON 201 Meet Up!

It’s officially colder than a cold-storage cryptocurrency wallet and the season of eating too much food and spending money you don’t have begins! We had to move some activities around for the month of November but we are excited on what we will have to offer. From PWNagachis to Web Browser Security we will have a fun afternoon of learning while prepping for gobbling down too much food with the nomalicous offerings at SubCulture’s menu!

About Our Venue:

We welcome you to Sub Culture at 260 Newark Ave in Jersey City. Five blocks from the Grove Street Path station and right on the NJ Transit Bus Stop; enjoy Free-Wifi, affordable (meat and vegan) food, power strips, video games on Raspberry Pi and sweet times! More information at

If you like to do a talk at our meet ups our collaborate with our staff and members in a project partnership shoot us a email at:


7:00pm — 7:55pm
Meet & Greet
7:55pm — 8:00pm
DEFCON 201 News, Updates & Announcements — GI Jack
8:00pm — 8:30pm
Browsing The Internet Privately & Securely — Sidepocket
8:30pm — 8:35pm
Windows When You Need ’em, Walls When You Don’t— sirocyl
8:40pm — 9:55pm
Open Workshops Projects
9:55pm — 10:00pm


Practice Lockpicking & Locksport — Sidepocket

Pwnagotchi — GI Jack

Nintendo Labo VR Blaster Build & Play — Sidepocket

MAGFest Live Boot Testing — sirocyl


DEFCON 201 News, Updates & Announcements

:..>The Co-Founders and some of it’s active attendees have been working on many awesome things. Here are some of them for the end of this year, 2019 and beyond!

:.> Bio: GI Jack is one of the Co-Founders of DEFCON 201. He might have seen a Ninja that had built their own hacker variant of Arch Linux known as Ninja OS. You might be able to also find this ninja at:

Browsing The Internet Privately & Securely

:..>When the World Wide Web was built by Tim Berners-Lee (with Al Gore’s Information Super Highway) the only thing w3m, Mosaic and AOL Explorer users had to worry about was getting bumped off the modem via a relative’s ill timed phone call and endless tabletop coasters that were AOL hard disks flooding your mailbox. However in this day and age, with web fingerprinting, index crawlers, DRM, and other intrusive technologies has made the internet a dangerous place to explore. Even worse, many companies intent on selling your data now market their not-so-private features their products offer, turning a fundamental human right into a snake-oil buzzword. In this talk, we will help you navigate the confusing world of Web Browser Privacy & Security aimed for everyone but ideally for beginners. Topics will include selecting the right browser, fortifying said browser to be more secure and privacy focused, privacy focused browsing resources and best internet safety & privacy practices. Topics will also offer a basic overview of web browsers for mobile phones, choosing a VPN and how to use TOR.”

:..>Bio: A Co-Founder of DEFCON 201, an open group for hacker workshop projects in North East New Jersey, Sidepocket is constantly wanting to help people to get better at whatever they want to do and learn. He also has a history with NYC 2600, Radio Statler at Hackers on Planet Earth, Phone Losers of America, Museum of Urban Reclaim Spaces and The Yes Men. Find out more about DEFCON 201 at:

Windows When You Need ’em, Walls When You Don’t

:..>At MAGFest this year, sirocyl will be doing a workshop on a program called FamiTracker which is Windows-only, doesn’t work in WINE or ReactOS and will need to run on people’s own laptops; including those running Linux or something else. This all in a set up of 5 minutes. Oh, and security is a must! The unique challenge has a couple of unique solutions…and running Windows off a stick is definitely one of them. Crazy? Maybe. We’ll let you be the judge and fly with us over this cuckoo’s nest of single-purpose PC fleet operations! This will lead into the MAGFest Live-Boot Testing workshop.

:.>Bio: sirocyl — is a DEFCON 201 alumni and is the founder of the FamiTracker and Famicom/NES music community.


Practicing Lockpicking & Locksport

:..>DEFCON 201 will have padlocks and professional practice tumblers provided by TOOOL to practice on. Fun and easy to learn for all ages and backgrounds with two expert instructors!


:..>Pwnagotchi is an A2C-based “AI” powered by bettercap and running on a Raspberry Pi Zero W that learns from its surrounding WiFi environment in order to maximize the crackable WPA key material it captures (either through passive sniffing or by performing deauthentication and association attacks). This material is collected on disk as PCAP files containing any form of handshake supported by hashcat, including full and half WPA handshakes as well as PMKIDs. We will be creating our own DEFCON 201 variant that will be part of a bigger project and need all hands on tech for its birth!

:..>What To Bring: A background in Javascript and Rasberry Pi 3 experience. If you can, bring your laptop with a GitHub account so we can collaborate. If anyone has a 3D Printer, PLEASE BRING IT! We will get you free food and booze!

MAGFEST Live-Boot Testing

:..>After sirocyl’s talk, he will test the MAGFest set up by trying to Live Boot Windows off of various laptops from different hardware manufactures installed with various operating systems.

:..>What To Bring: Any laptop that works and can boot from USB. Preferably a laptop with an existing version of Windows running on it. If you do not have a laptop, we will have a few to loan out while supplies last.

Nintendo VR Blaster Build & Play

:..>We have a new cardboard engineering construction for anyone of any skill level to try out. Combine DIY fun with simple, shareable VR, plus a new programming tool you can use to make your own quick play VR games and experiences! When finished, we will take turns blasting through an alien invasion, test your skills at competitive hippo feeding, and go wherever else our imagination takes us!

:..>What To Bring: The ability to follow instructions and fold paper. The play portion needs two working eyes with depth perception and a resistance to motion sickness.


:..>DEFCON 201 will expand into video media in late September. We will be launching various videos including an Introduction, Member Spotlights, Archived Lightning Talks, Tutorials, Directions and more on the DTube, Vimeo and YouTube Mirror platforms. We will also have downloadable copies on the DEFCON 201 NextCloud of select media for DEFCON 201 Members who want hard copies of videos. If you want to be in the Introduction, Member Spotlights or Archive Lighting Talks you can inquire into us about signing our DEFCON 201 Consent Forums and we will walk you through the process. Those who have not signed our DEFCON 201 Consent Forums during meetings will NOT be recorded in Video or Audio as per our policy. Furthermore, any instances of media recording photo/video/audio via DEFCON 201 Staff will be alerted to all president attendees beforehand prior to recording.




DCG 201
DCG 201

Written by DCG 201

North East New Jersey DEFCON Group Chapter. Dirty Jersey Represent! We meet at Sub Culture once a month to hack on technology projects!

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