Date: May 17th, Friday
Time: 7:00 PM — 10:00 PM
Location: Sub Culture (260 Newark Ave, Jersey City, NJ)
Joind.In: TBA
Welcome to the May 2019 DEFCON 201 Meet Up!
This is the start of the summer season for DEFCON 201 activities where we ramp up our hacks and do more events that involve going to that thing that exist outside of your apartment called the “outside”.
Coming off the heals of our new Coffee & Code series of social meet ups, the beginning of our Capture The Flag initiative and before our venture out to NJ SECON, join us in a continued celebration of our new venue and find out what is up ahead for DEFCON 201 from June to September!
About our NEW venue:
We welcome you to Sub Culture at 260 Newark Ave in Jersey City. Five blocks from the Grove Street Path station and right on the NJ Transit Bus Stop; enjoy Free-Wifi, affordable (meat and vegan) food, power strips, video games on Raspberry Pi and sweet times! More information at
If you like to do a talk at our meet ups our collaborate with our staff and members in a project partnership shoot us a email at:
7:00pm — 8:00pm
Meet & Greet
8:00pm — 8:10pm
Configuring Privoxy & JonDo — n0ctilucient
8:10pm — 8:40pm
Talk TBA — NCommander
8:40pm — 8:50pm
Vintage Computer Festival East 2019: A Recap and Show & Tell— sirocyl
8:50pm — 9:55pm
Open Workshops + Projects & Black Hat Webinar
9:55pm — 10:00pm
Practice Lockpicking & Locksport — Sidepocket & GI Jack
Configuring Privoxy & JonDo
:.> Bio: n0ctilucient (TBA)
Talk TBA
:..>Bio: NCommander (TBA)
HVintage Computer Festival East 2019: A Recap and Show & Tell
:..>Two weeks ago from May 3rd to May 5th, the Vintage Computer Festival (VCF) East took place in Wall NJ. In this short talk, our presenter will go over the carnival of retro technology including a show and tell of the COMPAQ SLT 286 he bought at the festival.
:.>Bio: sirocyl — founder of the FamiTracker and Famicom/NES music community.
BLACK HAT WEBINAR — The Importance of Logs: You Won’t See What You Don’t Log
:..>As a Team, Cisco’s CX EMEAR Security Architecture team sees an awful lot of customer sites and systems where logging is either unconfigured or where it is configured in an inappropriate fashion.
In our experience, we find issues relating to this in over 50% of assessment engagements which climbs still further for engagements where we’re asked to actively deliver our incident response capabilities. It’s not often talked about but effective logging is a key control both to give the blue team visibility of the network they’re defending and to enable accurate analysis in the event of an incident. This talk will cover:
- Why logging goes wrong
- How to start to plan your logging requirements
- Case studies
- Where to go next
:..>Bio: Tim (Wadhwa-) Brown joined Cisco as part of their acquisition of Portcullis for whom he worked for almost 12 years. He is equally happy performing white box assessments with access to source code or where necessary diving into proprietary binaries and protocols using reverse engineering methodologies. Tim has contributed to a number of Cisco’s bespoke methodologies covering subjects as diverse as secure development, host hardening, risk and compliance, ERP and SCADA. In 2016–2017, Tim looked at targets as varied as Active Directory, z/OS mainframes, power stations, cars, banking middleware and enterprise SAP Landscapes. Outside of the customer driven realm of information assurance, Tim is also a prolific researcher with papers on UNIX, KDE, Vista and web application security to his name.
Practicing Lockpicking & Locksport
:..>DEFCON 201 will have padlocks and professional practice tumblers provided by TOOOL to practice on. Fun and easy to learn for all ages and backgrounds with two expert instructors!
:..>DEFCON 201 will expand into video media in late September. We will be launching various videos including an Introduction, Member Spotlights, Archived Lightning Talks, Tutorials, Directions and more on the DTube, Vimeo and YouTube Mirror platforms. We will also have downloadable copies on the DEFCON 201 NextCloud of select media for DEFCON 201 Members who want hard copies of videos. If you want to be in the Introduction, Member Spotlights or Archive Lighting Talks you can inquire into us about signing our DEFCON 201 Consent Forums and we will walk you through the process. Those who have not signed our DEFCON 201 Consent Forums during meetings will NOT be recorded in Video or Audio as per our policy. Furthermore, any instances of media recording photo/video/audio via DEFCON 201 Staff will be alerted to all president attendees beforehand prior to recording.