DEFCON 201 Meet Up — August 2018 — Decompression After DEFCON

DCG 201
6 min readJul 30, 2018

Date: August17th, Friday

Time: 7:00 PM — 10:00 PM

Location: WHEALTH Cafe (615 Pavonia Ave, Jersey City, NJ)

Facebook: TBA

Meet-Up: TBA

Joind.In: TBA

Hackaday: TBA

So you are finally back from VEGAS, getting a new s̶u̶n̶b̶u̶r̶n̶ tan while drinking yourself to death after haxing all the things for an entire week straight. You miss all the fun and don’t know what to do next?

Simple stupid! Join us and DECOMPRESS from Hacker Summer Camp (BSides LV, Black Hat USA 2018, DEFCON 26) on August 17th! We will have some talks, some BYOB (Bring Your Own Booze) and a DEFCON 26 Show & Tell where you get to share your stories and show off your swag about your con experience!

About our meet-up location WHEALTH & CO. CAFE in Jersey City:

Outside of WHEALTH & CO. Cafe in Journal Square
Interior of WHEALTH & CO. Cafe in Journal Square
Overhead Map of WHEALTH & CO Cafe in relation to the Journal Square PATH & Bus Station

Centered right at the heart of the Journal Square PATH STATION with mobile accibility, coffee and food, inside and outside areas and a passion for the hacker community we invite everyone to join us in welcoming our new venue and house breaking it in (but not breaking the house). BONUS, our venue is allowing us to BYOB so continue that tradition!

Again, if you like to do a talk at our meet ups our colaborate with our staff and members in a project partnership shoot us a email at:


7:00pm — 7:50pm
Meet & Greet & GPG Keysigning Party
7:50pm — 7:55pm
DEFCON 201: Introduction and Online QOL Updates — Sidepocket & GI Jack
7:55pm — 8:10pm
Brainf — k Interpreter NES Cartridge DEFCON Indie Badge — Vi Grey
Oddities on The Dark Web — GI Jack
Hacker Summer Camp Show & Tell
9:00pm — 9:55pm
Open Workshops + Projects
9:55pm — 10:00pm


DEFCON 201 Open Street Maps — Sidepocket

DEFCON 201 CTF — GI Jack


DEFCON 201: Introduction and Online QOL Updates

:..>DEFCON 201 welcomes you to our NEW HOME at WHEALTH Cafe in Journal Square. In this new space, we are going to reintroduce people to what our group is about and new annoucements on our content for the later half of the year and exciting online updates!

:.>Bios: A Co-Founder of DEFCON 201, an open group for hacker workshop projects in North East New Jersey, Sidepocket is constantly wanting to help people to get better at whatever they want to do and learn. He also has a history with NYC 2600, Radio Statler at Hackers on Planet Earth, Phone Losers of America, Museum of Urban Reclaim Spaces and The Yes Men. Find out more about DEFCON 201 at:

GI Jack is one of the Co-Founders of DEFCON 201. He might have seen a Ninja that had built their own hacker variant of Arch Linux known as Ninja OS. You might be able to also find this ninja at:

Brainf — k Interpreter NES Cartridge DEFCON Indie Badge


:..>Bio: Vi Grey is a technology researcher, software engineer, and web developer with an affinity for learning interesting things and solving difficult problems. You can find out more about him at:

Oddidies of the Dark Web


:..>Bio: GI Jack is one of the Co-Founders of DEFCON 201. He might have seen a Ninja that had built their own hacker variant of Arch Linux known as Ninja OS. You might be able to also find this ninja at:

SPECIAL EVENT: Hacker Summer Camp Show & Tell

:..>For those who attended BSides LV, Black Hat USA 2018 and/or DEFCON 26; this 40 minute block is designed to share your experience. Bring your swag, projects, pictures and memories of your con experience and share it with the rest of us!


DEFCON 201 Open Street Maps Project

:..>The DEFCON 201 Open Street Maps (OSM) Project is an hosted instance of Open Street Maps that will be a living map of all resources that hackers can use in the 201 Area. This includes working payphones, public power plugs, Bitcoin ATM Machines, free Wi-Fi access points, hackerspaces, security cameras, halfway houses, cyber cafes and more. Think of it as an open source Motorist Green Book for hackers.

Workshop attendees will get familiar with basic cartography and map editors like iD, JSOM and GNOME Maps to edit on hand GPS and location data. They will then add previously recorded data into our first instance of Open Street Maps to build this project.

WEATHER PERMITTING we will also have two groups of four people (min) to get off their buts and go on a mapping adventure! Folks will have their phones loaded with OsmAnd (Android & iOS) and optionally OSM Contributor Mapping Tool (Android) or Go Map!! (iOS) with one group in Hoboken (on foot) and one in Jersey City (dropped off and picked up via car) on foot to explore a selective area for GPS and visual data with the primary target being pay phones. Mapathon GPS Leaders will also have tools and tricks to test out the payhones, power plugs, Wi-Fi and other mapping points of interests.

Regardless the entire MAPATHON is deigned to be done entirely indoors if weather is bad juju.

:..>What To Bring: Armchair OSM Editors must bring a laptop (preferably running GNOME) with a working up-to-date browser that can run both HTML 5 and Java. You should also run an IRC client on channel #DEFCON201 connected to SSL ( ports 6697, 7000 and 7070) or on Tor at freenodeok2gncmy.onion with SASL Authentication. Members who have signed up on our mailing list can also use Riot.IM.

GPS Mapathon Groups should bring either a GPS Device that can dump data to a desktop OR a phone with one of these GPS mapping apps loaded on it. GPS Mapathon Groups can also optionally bring phreaking equipment, lockpicks, voltage testers, WiFi Sniffers, radio scanners and any other portable device that can pull metrics/manipulate devices:

OsmAnd (iOS, Android):

Vespucci (Android)

Vespucci (Amazon)

Vespucci (F-Droid)

Go Map!! (iOS)

JPSTrack (Blackberry)

GPSLogger II (Blackberry)

GPX (Windows)


:..>We have been batting this idea back and forth for a long time and now we are ready to begin to set this in motion. In this Open Workshop, we are going to start the main pre-production on creating our own 201 CTF team. Things that will be decided on such as “what will the name be?”, “what equipment can we source to make our own practice drills and where do we source them?” and “what skill sets do we want to develop to grow the team?” will be brought up here. This will be an ongoing project that will be reoccurring for multiple DEFCON 201 meet ups that we hope to eventually spin into it’s own thing.

:..>What To Bring: A mind that is interested in joining a CTF to develop ones technical and teamwork skills and have fun doing it. If you have CTF and/or CTF closed network creation hardware examples please bring them with you!




DCG 201

North East New Jersey DEFCON Group Chapter. Dirty Jersey Represent! We meet at Sub Culture once a month to hack on technology projects!